In Part I, we introduced to the automotive graphic design. In this post, we’ll continue on from where we left off, talking about what’s involved when designing vehicle wraps. First, let me say that it’s not that difficult, and this article has provided some pretty good insights into how to go about it.
So, one of the most important tips: is to make sure you buy a car wrap that fits onto your car perfectly. You can either get it custom-made or modify an existing flat vehicle panel to make it fit onto your car. If you are going to do it custom-made, the ideal option is to get professional help, so you have someone with automotive experience doing the work for you. The second option is to find someone locally who does customization work for cars.
What makes good car graphics?
Most car wrap artists have a creative vision of how their car wrap will look, but the key is that it’s a fun design! When people see your car graphics, it should be something that they will cherish, rather than something that they can see as something that they could have “done” themselves. So, there are some things you need to keep in mind when you’re designing your car wrap.
One important thing is that the design needs to communicate the message: Many people forget that there is a message or a theme behind their automobile graphic design. It’s very important that your design convey a clear message, and it needs to do this in a tasteful way. One of the least attractive ways to do an automobile graphic design is to do it by hand with pencil and paper. People are not machines, and they don’t like to do “work” if it doesn’t look like it was done “off the top of one’s head”.
The second most important thing: is that the graphic design needs to be a good reflection of the message. Some people make the mistake of creating an automobile graphic design without considering its impact on their audience. That’s a big no-no. You need to put yourself in the readers shoes what kind of image will you want them to see? You also need to make sure that you stay away from cartoonish designs which only appeal to children.
Lastly, the automobile graphic design needs to be well planned and executed: Vehicle wrap artists have been hired by car companies for decades to create new vehicle wraps in unique designs and styles. While hiring a professional graphic design firm for your wrap project may seem like a huge expense, it could save you a lot of money in the long run. Remember, your goal is to make your vehicle wrap as attractive and memorable as possible, and the best professionals will help you reach that goal with confidence.